Source: Encoder.js

const encoder = require("./bpe_data/encoderMapToTokens");

// This file includes code which was modified from
const bpe_ranks = require("./bpe_data/bpe_ranks");

 * Returns an array of numbers between x and y (inclusive).
 * @param {number} x - The starting number.
 * @param {number} y - The ending number.
 * @returns {number[]} - An array of numbers between x and y (inclusive).
const range = (x, y) => {
    const res = Array.from(Array(y).keys()).slice(x)
    return res

 * Returns the Unicode code point of the first character in a string.
 * In computer science, the term "ord" is short for "ordinal" or "order"
 * @param {string} x - The string to get the code point of.
 * @returns {number} - The Unicode code point of the first character in the string.
const ord = x => {
    return x.charCodeAt(0)

 * Returns the character corresponding to a Unicode code point.
 * inverse of ord
 * @param {number} x - The Unicode code point to get the corresponding character for.
 * @returns {string} - The character corresponding to the given Unicode code point.
const chr = x => {
    return String.fromCharCode(x)

 * Encodes a given string as an array of string representations of its UTF-8 encoded bytes.
 * @param {string} str - The string to encode.
 * @returns {string[]} - An array of string representations of the UTF-8 encoded bytes of the input string.
const encodeStr = str => {
    return Array.from(Buffer.from(str, 'utf-8')).map(x => x.toString());

const decodeStr = arr => {
    return Buffer.from(arr).toString('utf-8')

 * Returns a mapping of byte values to their corresponding Unicode characters.
 * @returns {Object.<number, string>} - A mapping of byte values to Unicode characters.
function bytes_to_unicode() {
    const bs = range(ord('!'), ord('~') + 1).concat(range(ord('¡'), ord('¬') + 1), range(ord('®'), ord('ÿ') + 1))

    let cs = bs.slice()
    let n = 0
    for (let b = 0; b < 2 ** 8; b++) {
        if (!bs.includes(b)) {
            cs.push(2 ** 8 + n)
            n = n + 1

    cs = => chr(x))

    const result = {}, i) => {
        result[bs[i]] = cs[i]
    return result

 * Returns a set of all the pairs of adjacent characters in a given string.
 * @param {string} word - The string to get pairs of adjacent characters from.
 * @returns {Set.<Array.<string>>} - A set of all the pairs of adjacent characters in the string.
function get_pairs(word) {
    const pairs = new Set()
    let prev_char = word[0]
    for (let i = 1; i < word.length; i++) {
        const char = word[i]
        pairs.add([prev_char, char])
        prev_char = char
    return pairs

const pat = /'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+/gu
// The regular expression pat is used to split a string into an array of tokens.
// The regular expression consists of several parts:
//     's|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d: These are all short forms of common English words (e.g. "is", "not", "have"). The | symbol means "or", so this part of the expression matches any of these short forms.
//     ?\p{L}+: This matches one or more consecutive letters (i.e. "words"). The ? means that the preceding space character is optional, so this part of the expression will match both words with spaces before and after them, as well as words without spaces.
//     ?\p{N}+: This matches one or more consecutive numbers. Like the previous part of the expression, the ? means that the preceding space character is optional.
//     ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+: This matches one or more consecutive non-letter, non-number characters (e.g. punctuation, symbols). The [^...] notation means "any character except the ones listed inside the brackets", and \s represents whitespace characters. The \p{L} and \p{N} shorthand character classes represent letters and numbers, respectively. The + symbol means "one or more occurrences", and the ? means that the preceding space character is optional.
//     \s+(?!\S): This matches one or more consecutive whitespace characters that are followed by a non-whitespace character. The \S shorthand character class represents non-whitespace characters, and the (?!...) notation is a negative lookahead assertion, which means "do not match if the pattern inside the parentheses is present". This part of the expression is used to match leading and trailing whitespace characters.
//     \s+: This matches one or more consecutive whitespace characters. This part of the expression is used to match sequences of multiple whitespace characters within the string.
// The g flag at the end of the regular expression means "global", which means that the regular expression will continue to search for matches after the first one is found. The u flag means "Unicode", which enables the use of Unicode character classes like \p{L} and \p{N}.
// Overall, this regular expression is used to split a string into an array of tokens by matching words, numbers, and non-letter, non-number characters, as well as leading and trailing whitespace and sequences of multiple whitespace characters within the string.

 * This code sets up a decoder object to convert encoded tokens back to their original string form,
 * by creating a mapping of the keys and values in the encoder object.
 * It also sets up a byte encoder and decoder object for converting bytes to unicode characters and vice versa.
 * Finally, it initializes a cache Map to store previously processed inputs for faster encoding.
 * @member {Object} encoder - An object containing mappings of strings to numerical token values.
 * @member {Object} decoder - An object containing mappings of numerical token values to their original string form.
 * @member {Object} byte_encoder - An object containing mappings of byte values to their corresponding unicode characters.
 * @member {Object} byte_decoder - An object containing mappings of unicode characters to their corresponding byte values.
 * @member {Map} cache - A Map object used to cache previously processed inputs for faster encoding.
const decoder = {}
Object.keys(encoder).map(x => {
    decoder[encoder[x]] = x

const byte_encoder = bytes_to_unicode()
const byte_decoder = {}
Object.keys(byte_encoder).map(x => {
    byte_decoder[byte_encoder[x]] = x

const cache = new Map;

 * Implements the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm for subword tokenization.
 * The BPE algorithm operates on a vocabulary of subwords, and works by iteratively replacing the most frequent pair of
 * subwords in the vocabulary with a new subword, until a specified vocabulary size is reached. This results in a
 * of subwords that can be used to represent words in a language, while still maintaining some of the structure and
 * meaning of the original words.
 * Here's a breakdown of the function:
 *  1 The function first checks if the input token is in the cache, and if it is, it returns the cached value. This is likely to improve performance by avoiding unnecessary processing for tokens that have already been processed.
 *  2 The input token is then split into individual characters, and a list of pairs of adjacent characters (bigrams) is generated using the get_pairs function. If there are no pairs, the input token is returned as is.
 *  3 The function then enters a loop that continues until a termination condition is met. In each iteration, the pair of subwords with the lowest rank (as determined by the bpe_ranks object) is identified and stored in the bigram variable. If the bigram is not in bpe_ranks, the loop terminates.
 *  4 The bigram is then replaced with a new subword in the word list. The word list is iterated over and any instances of the bigram are replaced with the new subword.
 *  5 The word list is then joined back into a string and stored in the cache. The cached string is returned as the result of the function.
 * @param {string} token - The input token to be tokenized.
 * @return {string} word - The tokenized subwords as a string.
function bpe(token) {
    if (cache.has(token)) {
        return cache.get(token)

    let word = token.split('')

    let pairs = get_pairs(word)

    if (!pairs) {
        return token

    while (true) {
        const minPairs = {}
        Array.from(pairs).map(pair => {
            const rank = bpe_ranks[pair]
            minPairs[(isNaN(rank) ? 10e10 : rank)] = pair

        const bigram = minPairs[Math.min(...Object.keys(minPairs).map(x => {
                return parseInt(x)

        if (!(bigram in bpe_ranks)) {

        const first = bigram[0]
        const second = bigram[1]
        let new_word = []
        let i = 0

        while (i < word.length) {
            const j = word.indexOf(first, i)
            if (j === -1) {
                new_word = new_word.concat(word.slice(i))
            new_word = new_word.concat(word.slice(i, j))
            i = j

            if (word[i] === first && i < word.length - 1 && word[i + 1] === second) {
                new_word.push(first + second)
                i = i + 2
            } else {
                i = i + 1

        word = new_word
        if (word.length === 1) {
        } else {
            pairs = get_pairs(word)

    word = word.join(' ')
    cache.set(token, word)

    return word

 * Encodes a given text string into a list of BPE tokens.
 * @param {string} text - The text to be encoded.
 * @return {Array} bpe_tokens - The encoded BPE tokens.
function encode(text) {
    if (typeof text != "string") {
        if (typeof text == "undefined") {
            console.warn("undefined text returning empty []");
            return [];
        console.warn("casting to string hope thats what you want!");
        text = "" + text;
    let bpe_tokens = []
    const matches = Array.from(text.matchAll(pat)).map(x => x[0])
    for (let token of matches) {
        token = encodeStr(token).map(x => {
            return byte_encoder[x]

        const new_tokens = bpe(token).split(' ').map(x => encoder[x])
        bpe_tokens = bpe_tokens.concat(new_tokens)
    return bpe_tokens

 * Computes count, unique, and frequency statistics for a string or an array of tokens.
 * This function can be used to get insights into the characteristics of a text dataset,
 * or to analyze the distribution of tokens in a body of text.
 * @param {(string|Array<number>)} input - The input string or array of tokens.
 * @return {Object} stats - An object with count, unique, frequency, positions, and tokens properties.
 * @property {number} stats.count - The total number of tokens.
 * @property {number} stats.unique - The number of unique tokens.
 * @property {Object} stats.frequency - An object with token-frequency pairs, sorted by frequency in descending order.
 * @property {Object} stats.positions - An object with token-position pairs, where positions is an array of the indices of the token in the input string or array.
 * @property {Array<number>} stats.tokens - The array of tokens passed to the function.
function tokenStats(input) {
    let tokens
    if (typeof input === 'string') {
        // Encode the string into tokens
        tokens = encode(input)
    } else {
        tokens = input

    const stats = {
        count: tokens.length,
        unique: new Set(tokens).size,
        frequency: {},
        positions: {},

    // Compute the frequency of each token
    for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        const token = tokens[i];
        if (stats.frequency[token]) {
        } else {
            stats.frequency[token] = 1;
            stats.positions[token] = [i];

    // let word = word.join(' ')
    // cache.set(token, word)
    //todo count words and determin some string stats as well

    // Sort the frequency object by frequency in descending order
    stats.frequency = Object.fromEntries(
            .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])

    return stats

 *  This function works by iterating through the matches of the pat pattern in the input text,
 *  encoding each match using the encodeStr function and the byte_encoder mapping,
 *  and then applying the bpe function to the encoded token. The number of tokens produced by the bpe function is then added to the count variable.
 *  Finally, the count variable is returned as the result.
 * @param text
 * @return {number}
function countTokens(text) {
    let count = 0
    const matches = Array.from(text.matchAll(pat)).map(x => x[0])

    // Timings for 20* chars(200000):  counting took average: 572.8,
    //     count = matches.reduce((acc, token) => {
    //         token = encodeStr(token).map(x => {
    //             return byte_encoder[x]
    //         }).join('');
    //         return acc + bpe(token).split(' ').length;
    //     }, 0);

    //Timings for 20* chars(200000):  counting took average: 570.8,
    // for (let token of matches) {

    // Timings for 20* chars(200000):  counting took average: 559.85,
    // not much difrence. but i dont mind the for loopl
    let i, token;
    for (i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
        token = matches[i];
        token = encodeStr(matches[i]).map(x => {
            return byte_encoder[x]

        count += bpe(token).split(' ').length
    return count

 * Decodes a list of BPE tokens into a text string.
 * @param {Array} tokens - The list of BPE tokens to be decoded.
 * @return {string} text - The decoded text string.
function decode(tokens) {
    if (!tokens) {
        console.warn("No tokens to decode, returning empty string")
        return "";
    let text = => decoder[x]).join('')
    text = decodeStr(text.split('').map(x => byte_decoder[x]))
    return text

 * Module for encoding and decoding text using byte pair encoding (BPE).
 * @module gptoken
 * @property {Function} encode - Function for encoding text using BPE.
 * @property {Function} decode - Function for decoding text using BPE.
 * @property {Function} countTokens - Function for counting the number of tokens in a BPE encoding.
 * @property {Function} tokenStats - Function for computing statistics on the tokens in a BPE encoding.
 * @property {Object} util - Utility functions used by the main functions.
 * @property {Function} util.ord - Function for getting the Unicode code point of a character.
 * @property {Function} util.chr - Function for getting the character corresponding to a Unicode code point.
 * @property {number} util.bpe - Implements the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm for subword tokenization.
 * @property {Function} util.range - Function for generating a range of numbers.
 * @property {RegExp} util.pat - Regular expression for matching token words in text.
 * @property {Function} util.get_pairs - Function for getting all pairs of adjacent characters in a string.
 * @property {function} encodeStr - Encodes a string as an array of UTF-8 byte values.
 * @property {function} decodeStr - Decodes an array of UTF-8 byte values as a
 * @property {Object.<string, number>} maps.bpe_ranks - Object mapping BPE tokens to their ranks.
 * @property {Object.<string, number>} maps.encoder - Object mapping tokens to their integer representations.
 * @property {Object.<string, string>} maps.decoder - Object mapping integer representations to their tokens.
 * @property {Object.<string, string>} maps.byte_decoder - Object mapping UTF-8 byte values to their characters.
 * @property {Object.<string, number>} maps.byte_encoder - Object mapping characters to their UTF-8 byte values.
 * @example
 *  const gptoken = require('gptoken');
 * const text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
 * const encoded = gptoken.encode(text);
 * console.log('Encoded:', encoded.slice(0, 5).concat(['...']).concat(encoded.slice(-5)));
 * const decoded = gptoken.decode(encoded);
 * console.log('Decoded:', decoded);
 * const count = gptoken.countTokens(text);
 * console.log('Token Count:', count);
 * const stats = gptoken.tokenStats(encoded);
 * console.log('Token Stats:', JSON.stringify(stats, null, 4));
 * Encoded: [ 464, 2068, 7586, 21831, 18045, '...', 262, 16931, 3290 ]
 * Decoded: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
 * Token Count: 9
 * Token Stats: {
 *     "count": 9,
 *     "unique": 9,
 *     "frequency": {
 *         "262": 1,
 *         "464": 1,
 *         "625": 1,
 *         "2068": 1,
 *         "3290": 1,
 *         "7586": 1,
 *         "16931": 1,
 *         "18045": 1,
 *         "21831": 1
 *     },
 *     "positions": {
 *         "262": [
 *             6
 *         ],
 *         "464": [
 *             0
 *         ],
 *         "625": [
 *             5
 *         ],
 *         "2068": [
 *             1
 *         ],
 *         "3290": [
 *             8
 *         ],
 *         "7586": [
 *             2
 *         ],
 *         "16931": [
 *             7
 *         ],
 *         "18045": [
 *             4
 *         ],
 *         "21831": [
 *             3
 *         ]
 *     },
 *     "tokens": [
 *         464,
 *         2068,
 *         7586,
 *         21831,
 *         18045,
 *         625,
 *         262,
 *         16931,
 *         3290
 *     ]
 * }
module.exports = {
    util: {
        ord, chr, bpe, range, pat,
        encodeStr, decodeStr,
    maps: {
